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Ryoku’s bio | Best of the Fuji/富士山ラグジュアリーツーリズムコンソーシアム
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Ryoku’s bio

RYOKU YOKOYAMA, Pianist, Fortepianist, Harpsichordist

She was born in Tokyo, Japan. At the age of 13 she started piano lessons, after only 7 month she won a prize at the PTNA Piano Competition. In 1998 she obtained a Diploma at the Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Music and Arts with Satoru Sunahara. She got a bachelor degree at the Musashino Musicae University in 2004. She was awarded a scholarship from “Mattheiser Sommer-Akademie” in Germany, receiving Diploma. She specialized in “Fortepiano and Piano Romantic” with Stefano Fiuzzi at the International Piano Academy “Incontri col Maestro” of Imola, receiving the honorary title of “Master”. For the latter, she was awarded a scholarship from the Italian Governent, and all the judges unanimously awarded her at the Conservatoire “Luigi Cherubini” in Florence a piano course and harpsichord course of II level.

She participated in Master Class of Profs. Vitarij Margulis, Robert Levin, Alexander Lonquich, Franco Scala, Bruno Canino, Joachim Achucarro, Stefano Fiuzzi. Alfonso Fedi and Ton Koopman.

 She has taken part in national and international contests; achieving 1st prize at the ”The Great Wall International Music Competition”, 1st prize at the “Riviera della Versilia” and 1st prize and special prize “Città di Padova” at the “Padova International Music Competition”, 1st prize at the “Schio International Music Competition”, 1st prize at the “Pesaro International Music Competition”, 3st prize at the ” Schubert International Music Competition” (Italy), 1st prize and special prize “L.Spezzaferri” at the “Bardolino(Jan Langosz)  Competition”. In 2012 she was awarded a scholarship of chamber music from Institute V.Chiarappa.

 She has performed in many important halls in Japan, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Canada such as Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori (Florence), Auditorium al Duomo(Florence), Sala dei Cinquecento di Palazzo Vecchio(Florence), Museo del Bargello(Florence), Circolo Uione Florence, Sala del Buonumore(Florence), Salone di Villa Favard(Florence), Auditorium Sinopoli(Fiesole), Museo Nazionale degli Strumenti Musicali(Roma), Palazzo Fava(Bologna), Palazzo Zacco- Armeni(Padova), Mozarteum Wiener Saal(Salzburg) etc, and was highly praised in the newspapers and radios. And she has been invited to “Dino Ciani International Music Festival” in Milano and Udine, “Hokutopia International Music Festival” in Tokyo, season concert of Amici della Musica, Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori,etc. In 2007 she played the Piano Concerto No.5 “Emperor” of Beethoven on the Graf on 1820, achieved a debut  as a  fortepianist and gained a great success. And then she has been invited to many fortepiano concerts. 

She has held masterclasses and seminars and in regularly invited to participate in juries of International Competitions. She is the founder and Artistic Director of the Imola Project Japan with International Piano Academy “Incontri col Maestro” of Imola from 2014. 
